Monday, October 25, 2010

You Can't Escape Beef

Yowzas, has it really been almost four (4) months since our last entry? Well...we're back! This time, hopefully more frequently *ahem*.

Anyhoo, I caught this image that shows that eating beef isn't so bad and that vegans and vegetarians may find it difficult to dodge using some product in their life that has some cow in it. Cheers to you, bovine, for you are supplying us with a plethora of goodness (**we still have our vegetarian offerings**, love you). Hit this link to check out the full article at Streakr.

I know I have said this before, but check back soon with us, we'll be posting up some new stuff soon!



Unknown said...

Dude, glad to see another post!

Of course, I've not been keeping up with my own blog.

Glad to see the benefits of beef, although I still love the salmon plate best!

calshabu said...

hahahhaha, the blog is so pathetic right now, but i'm planning on blogging some more now. i've been so bad at it.